Urban farms co.

tonnes of stubble
tonnes of vegetables
farming families

Converting paddy stubble to wealth
We buy agricultural waste material from local sources—ranging from paddy stubble to cow dung to weeds—and turn it into a unique pro-microbial plant food. We offer what is now professional grade compost to our partner farmers at nominal rates, thus promoting a zero-waste culture. (It’s worth noting that untreated biomass, like paddy stubble (rich in organic carbon), is often burnt—causing large scale CO2 emissions.

Bringing soil back to life
This compost boosts the process of creating living soils, teaming with organic matter, minerals, air, water and living organisms. Through a set of inputs and practices, a network of bacteria and fungi are created in the soil, which provide plants with micro, macro and complex compounds. Most importantly, we provide our partner farmers with this nutrient rich topsoil—an invaluable base for replenishing top soil and growing healthy produce.

Producing nutrient-rich produce
When growing in living soil systems, plants create a natural cycle. They give away sugars, lipids and enzymes to the soil microorganisms and receive other nutrients in return. They also create a host of phytochemicals for their own well-being, eventually producing high quality, nutrient-dense vegetables for us.

here's how we do plant food:

get compost
delivered to your

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Opposite LG Farms,
near Bhagatji School, Palla,
Alipur, Delhi 110036